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Shoe care

Do you own a pair of shoes in real leather? Then you have to take care of them. You can at Lofina buy good shoe care, which secure and prolong the lifetime of your shoes.

Most people experience that their shoes sometimes need a little care. The shoes can loose color and shine. To solve this problem you should use a really good shoe polish or leather grease.You can order your shoe care at Lofina so you can be sure your shoes last longer. You use the shoe polish or leather grease depending on which type of leather your shoe is made in. Taking care of your shoes will prolong the “lifetime" of the shoe. Leather grease is used for models made in strong leather. The shoe polish is used for shoes made in smooth and shiny leather. At Lofina we have shoe polish in black, brown and colorless so you can choose the perfect product for taking care of your favorite shoes.